Homemade Food Review: The Herbfarm

Hey Extras!

OMG, where have I been hiding all these months?  I did tell you earlier that I’m not very good at this writing thing.  I think I have ADD or something and just can’t keep this up on a regular basis.  Any who, I am back for this lovely review of a place that I have been dreaming off for a very long time.

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Homemade Food Review: Wild Mountain Cafe

Hey Extras!

Are you excited about a new review?  Well here we go!

My guests for the evening were Trevor, Dan and Jessica.

Wild Mountain Cafe.  Has anyone heard of this place before?  I sure hadn’t and I have probably driven passed this place hundreds of times.  It is not off the beaten path, no.  Actually, it is located on a very busy street near a very busy intersection here in North Seattle, or to be more specific, Crown Hill.  Located at 1408 Northwest 85th Street Seattle, WA 98117-4236, this cafe is located in the middle of a block in a purple house lit up with lights. Continue reading

Homemade Food/Recipe Review: Sophisticated Palette


Hey Extras!

I have been meaning to publish this shout out for a while now. This shout out is for my friend April Somboun. She started a food blog around the same time that I did and I think hers is way better than mine so I want you all to go and check it out and subscribe to her blog! All her recipes look amazing and she has a great story with all her posting.

Here is the site:



Homemade Recipe Review: Lobster

Hey Extras!

So tonight, I finally got a chance to cook lobster again!  It was exciting since, the last time I cooked lobster was on a Valentine’s day three years ago.  This night, it was my turn to cook and Trevor wanted lobster, since I have been talking about having lobster for dinner… forever!  LOL So I was really excited he was in the mood for it. Continue reading

Homemade Food Reviews: Las Vegas part Une

(Warning:  This entry encompasses three days, four restaurants and a back story.  It’s going to be long is what I am saying.  Enjoy!)

Hello Extras!

I know it’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog but it was the holidays and I’ve done a little traveling but I’m back with a blog about my foodie trip to Las Vegas.  (I’ve been waiting to get the pictures up from the trip but I haven’t gotten them yet but I will update this entry with pics when I get them!)

First the story, then the reviews!

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